Mining and Mineral Industries Company Sepehr Talashgaran

Sepehr Talashgaran Mining and Mineral Industry Company is one of the specialized holdings belonging to Talashgaran Eghtesad Paydar Company, together with its subsidiaries (Talashgaran Paydar Zarmes Iranian Company – Naam Avaran Nasr Semnan Company – Fartak Talashgaran Drilling and Exploration Company – Zarmes Mines Talashgaran Company) which in carrying out all Mining activities include exploration, extraction, processing and import of specialized exploration machinery and equipment.

Sepehr Talashgaran Mining and Mineral Industries Company (private shares) was registered in the Register of Companies and Non-Commercial Institutions of Tehran under number 585141 on 18 Oct 2021, with the aim of managing and optimizing communications between legal and real persons active in the mining sector and Iran Mineral Industries has developed mining activities including exploration, extraction and processing and promoting synergy in the holding, and in this regard, it has used all traditional and modern tools in a balanced manner and according to the needs of its audience. The registered capital of Sepehr Talashgaran is 350,000 million Rials and Talashgaran Eghtesad Paydar Company is the main shareholder of this company.

CEO Message

Sepehr Talashgaran  Mining and Mineral Industries Co is a company: rich in value for stakeholders, knowledge-oriented and expert, guiding and creating value for all sub-categories.

Our vision is to protect the rights of shareholders, customers, employees and partners, increase the efficiency of the organization, accept competition and reduce costs, innovation and creativity in line with the company’s mission. Also, creating the spirit of teamwork and believing in business ethics and believing that we can operate on a large scale has been the main strength of the board of directors.

Sepehr Talashgaran Mining and Mineral Industries Company strives to, while creating added value for shareholders and all interested groups, be able to be the flag bearer of innovation and prosperity in this industry, relying on the merciful God and with the goal of value creation, and make its small contribution towards the development of our beloved country of Iran. to pay

“God willing”

Brief introduction of mining group companies

Zarmes Iranian Talashgaran Paydar

Field of activity: exploration, extraction and exploitation of copper and molybdenum mines in Iran for the production, distribution and sale of high grade copper ore products. ore and molybdenum ore, distribution and sale of products produced in Iran or abroad, with the participation of others to cooperate in repayment plans related to the copper industry, carrying out all financial, commercial, industrial, mining and service operations and related transactions, directly or indirect.

A selection of the company’s projects:

The project to build a copper factory in Sistan and Baluchistan province, northwest of Zahedan, the construction of which started with an annual capacity of 3,000 tons in 2019, and the product type is copper oxide with an average grade of 0.8%.

Fartak Drilling and Exploration Company

Field of activity: The company is active in the fields of drilling and exploration of mines in Iran with the approach of ownership of machinery and equipment and by obtaining representation from reputable domestic and foreign companies regarding the supply of drilling machinery, spare parts, downhole equipment and chemicals for the project. inside and outside the country with the aim of providing specialized and scientific services in this field.

A selection of the company’s projects:

Drilling and exploration project of Saveh mine: Conducting wireline core drilling operations for 3000 meters of exploratory boreholes with HQ diameter and depth up to 400 meters for each borehole using two drilling machines with an average drilling capacity of 8 meters per day.

Drilling and exploration project of the Siyathraghi mine: Conducting core drilling operations using the wireline method and with the 2021 hydraulic drilling machine for the area of 5,000 meters of exploratory borehole with HQ diameter in the area of Siyathraghi, located 135 km north of Zahedan in Sistan and Baluchistan province.

Naam Avaran Nasr Semnan

Field of activity: participation, investment and carrying out all study activities, consulting, technical and engineering services, design, architecture, implementation, design and construction, contract management and supervision of construction projects, etc.

Zarmes mining Talshgaran co

Carrying out all mining activities, including exploration, extraction, extraction, processing, grading and mineralization of mines (except for oil and gas mines), providing all commercial activities and commercial services in the field of buying and selling and after-sales services of all permitted commercial goods. , buying and selling and exporting and importing permitted commercial goods, issuing letters of credit and LCs with all domestic and foreign banks for the company, transferring the beneficial rights of mines and deposits after obtaining the necessary permits, obtaining mineral permits from competent authorities and Participation in relevant auctions.
Carrying out all the services of processes in the field of mining and mineral industries in the technical and commercial fields of minerals, such as their exploration and development, extraction and exploitation, processing and ore dressing, sales and marketing, with the priority of metal reserves such as copper, iron, gold, chromite