َAbout Us

Specialized mining and trading company Tahshogaran Maaden Zarems was registered as a private limited company on 23 Jan 2021 under registration number 571793 with the purpose of specialized activity in the field of mining in the country by the specialists of this matter in Tehran Companies and Industrial Property Registration Department. The horizon of this company is excellence in the field of mining and the employment of experts in this matter, and among the company’s activities, we can mention all mining activities such as exploration, extraction, exploitation, processing, grading and ore dressing of mines (except oil and gas mines). In addition to mining activities, the company has also been active in the field of all permitted commercial activities and has now started its activities on the Kurd Khalaj (Agash) mine on a large scale.
Kardholj mine (Agash) Saveh: carrying out exploratory and coring operations and starting extraction operations in the mine of industrial soil and polymetal
1. Proof of iron ore reserves, activation of extraction and depot operations in the amount of 40,000 tons.
2. Creation of extraction steps and depot building for 30,000 tons of industrial soil
3. Field studies regarding the promising points of the mine, focusing on the exploration and extraction of oxidized copper and sulfur
4. Supply, construction and installation of iron ore crushing and beneficiation line
5. Development of exploration through determining the reserves of promising mining areas and carrying out core drilling operations, so far about 5000 meters

Registration number: 571793
Registered capital of the company: 1000 million Rials
Number of human resources: 16
The percentage of ownership of Sepehr Tahalgaran Mining Holding: 60%

Members of the Board

Nad Ali Esmaeili Dahaj

Chairman of the Board

Education: MSC
Exploration of mines

Ahmad Meshkani

Vice Chairman of the Board

Education: P.H.D
Economic Geology

Reza Hallajian Esfahani

Member of the board of directors

Education: MSC
Business-strategic management

Behzad Naziri Rad


Education: MSC
Mining engineering-exploration

سنگین 7
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ثابت ایستگاهی1



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